Will Brokenbourgh


Since 2003, I have provided remote internet computer support to customers on the west coast of the United States. With quick response times and genuinely caring about my customers, I have built many professional relationships and friendships that have lasted decades.

My services include help with Windows, macOS and Linux issues as well as regularly-scheduled routine maintenance. I also write software with projects ranging from full medical-billing systems to simple backup utilities and everything in-between.

Instead of trying to impress you with a fancy website, stock photos of fake customer-service people and buzz-words, I instead invest my time in you, your computer issues and software projects. Like my website, I'm a simple guy and often find that the best solutions are the simple ones.

While I am in business, I am first and foremost a follower of Jesus Christ. Because of this, it is my goal to treat every person, customer or not, with respect and compassion, being honorable in my dealings with everyone. I am not perfect and make mistakes like everyone else, but as a Christian, I point myself back to the cross and try to learn from those mistakes. Some people may say that God doesn't belong in a business setting -- I respectfully disagree. In fact, I think the business world would greatly benefit from having more of God in the mix.

If you'd like more information, please contact me.

Thank you!