The Current Political Mess

On July 13, not long after this post was published, former President Trump survived an assassination attempt during a rally in Pennsylvania. As I mention in this post, the nonsensical hyperbole turned out to be truly dangerous, resulting in several injuries and the death of a loving father and firefighter as well as the person who was consumed by the rhetoric. Enough is enough!

I don't believe I've really posted anything to this blog that is overtly political however I need to leave a note for the present and future about the silliness that is going on right now. I am by no means a professional political commentator, but I can see what is going on around me.

God loves geeks too!
Why Jesus?

This year (2024) is a very important election year here in the U.S. Not only will we be voting to decide who will be the next President but also deciding, in a large part, how our country -- and the world -- will be influenced by our government. There has been a fair amount of drama, finger-pointing and fearmongering by politicians and the legacy media. I believe drama is best displayed on the theater stages and in the movies but when your country, and the world need stability, cooler heads need to prevail.

Any believer in Christ Jesus will know that there is both seen and unseen good and evil in this world. To deny the existence and influence of unseen rulers, authorities and demons is ignorance. There are powers at work in every sphere of human life and there are constant battles being waged behind the scenes. Just because we can't see the explosions or the report of weapons doesn't mean it isn't real. The results are very real -- they can be seen in all over this fallen world.

Be informed
Too often I hear of folks receiving their news from just one source while completely trusting that one source. You have to ask yourself "Who supports this news source monetarily? Who funds the supporters of this news source? What is their agenda? If a news source is funded by organizations beholden to left-leaning ideologies and radical activism, you will only get their side of the story. How do you know you're being told the whole, unbiased truth? Get your news from multiple sources, even sources you may not like. No one should hide behind blissful ignorance, shoving their head in the sand and 'hoping for the best'.

In the New Testament of the Bible, when the Bereans heard the preaching of the Good News from Paul, they received it with joy but still searched the Scriptures themselves to verify what was being preached. The Bereans were described as being 'noble-minded' because of this. Don't you think you too should be 'noble-minded' about the news and information you're given?

Is the United States better off now or five years ago?
While I cannot tell anyone who to vote for, I will ask 'Was the country doing better -- overall -- five years ago than it is now?' Is inflation better now or five years ago? Are we a more stabilizing global power now or five years ago? Actually do your research through all types of different information sources and compare America's well-being during 2019 compared to now. Obviously after 2019 things took a nose-dive, but that was the fault of the pandemic and the struggle to deal with it.

Political drama and theatrics cause real damage
I see the news from legacy media as well as alternative media and can tell you that one political party here in the U.S. frequently takes its cues from high-school drama class. The absolute nonsensical stuff that these politicians let come out of their mouths should cause embarrassed laughter as well as raise red flags in nearly everyone who sees and hears them, but unfortunately people accept this behavior as normal or even 'okay'.

These politicians stand there, moan, groan and act like the opposite political party is coming to rip them away from their comfy home at 3 am and lock them in a dungeon somewhere. They go on about 'danger to democracy' and call their opponents 'nazis'. If their over-the-top theatrical performances weren't so damaging they would be hilarious, but lying, mischaracterizing and vilifying your political opponents just damages the trust in the U.S. government and makes our ruling leadership look like participants of amateur hour at the stand-up comedy club.

No one is perfect, nor are they always right
Don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone can say one political party is saintly while the other is pure evil -- not at all. Any time human beings are involved in any kind of activity, there is bound to be a contingent that will thrash about and foam up the waters. Sometimes the activity can bear the burden of a number of malcontents while in other activities the trouble-makers will completely collapse things.

Thankfully the founding fathers of the U.S., with God's leading, built things into our governmental framework that help us withstand those with wrong motives. Unfortunately, as time goes on, some corruption has crept in and certain protections baked into the system have now been reinterpreted to the benefit of those with corrupted motives. Safeguards that help ensure freedoms have been partially eroded to improperly give power, money and standing to people, organizations and companies that should not have it. When those who lust after power try to seize even more of it, the result seldom is good for the common man.

It's a mess
The current two candidates for the U.S. presidency don't excite a lot of people. One has a brash and mouthy demeanor while the other appears to be experiencing the ravages of old age -- mentally as well as physically. One candidate has embraced and enshrined beliefs and policies that run completely counter to what God wants while the other is wrapped up in abundant litigation and resorts to childish name-calling. It really is a mess!

The best that good-hearted, conservative and Bible-believing people can do is pray, carefully review the results of each candidate's previous term as President and choose who God directs them to vote for. If you are a lover and believer of God, will you choose someone to lead this country (and you) who literally enforces sinful acts and policies? Will you choose someone to lead the country (and you) who may not have much time left on the clock? When that leader has passed away or becomes incapacitated during their term, will the vice-president who replaces them also lead the country against God's commandments? Will you vote for someone who bows low to the shrill screams, shouts and threats of a deceived and demonically-influenced group more than the vast majority of Americans who love God, love their families, want their country to be healed and just want to live out their lives without having to swear allegiance to radical ideologies? Speaking of radical ideologies...

Stating the truth is not hate!
What if I came up to you and said "Hey, the sun is green!". If you were like most people, you might chuckle, might think I need my vision checked or that I have been using illicit substances. Would I then have the right to scream at you, attack your humanity and call you a bigot because you don't agree with my 'green sun' assertion? Most reasonable people would be like "Hey, you believe what you want, but the sun is not green and I'm going to walk away now". What if I then contacted the police and told them you were spouting 'hate speech' and tried to have you arrested because you didn't affirm my error? What if I gathered people in front of your house to protest, just because you wouldn't support my incorrect beliefs? What if I stirred up a mob and had them set fire to your car or house because you won't celebrate and praise my mixed-up reality? Pretty extreme, isn't it? It's the exact same as those pushing incorrect, corrupted and false gender, race and cultural ideologies. The actual truth is not hate, it's THE TRUTH!

Do you consider yourself a trans or gay person? Do you think you're a cat or a lizard? If you answered 'Yes' then that is what you believe and you should be free to do so. But when you demand that others accept, accommodate and celebrate your reality, you've then crossed a line and are now attempting to take away others' freedoms. You are now acting like a violent offender and forcing your beliefs onto other people. You are acting no different than countless mobs and governments that killed countless people because they didn't believe 'the right thing'. You are now acting like a tyrant and a bigot. How can a tyrant utter the phrase 'Love wins' and not be a complete hypocrite? Live your life however you want, but don't force others to accept and join your personal reality. It is poosible to truly love someone as a fellow human-being and at the same time not agree with their way of life.

This country needs to be healed
Politicians who support and celebrate falsehoods do absolute no good for our country as a whole. The next president needs to have the courage and boldness to put their foot down and steer American away from the craggy rocks we're headed for. Instead of caving to and embracing the shrieking and wailing practioners of radical ideologies, we need someone who will stand for what God wants and what the founding fathers envisioned for our country. That person does not have to be perfect, nor can we expect them to execute their duties without making some mistakes. But what we all should expect is honesty, transparency and respect for the common good of all of our country's citizens -- something that has been sorely missing the last few years.

When you consider your choice for President this year or anytime thereafter, consider this -- the roughest and dirtiest tool in the toolbox may still work better than one that looks okay on the outside but shreds your hand with its defective and broken parts.

God bless you, and thank you for reading! Emoji of face grinning big

About me
First and foremost I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. After that, I'm a blessed husband, father and grandfather. I do remote computer work for a living although it's mostly part-time. I'm an amateur radio operator - AF7EC. When I'm not working on the endless list of house and car projects, I like to tinker with electronics, like to listen to shortwave radio and write software (mostly open-source) in C, C++, Python and Free Pascal. I usually run Linux as my main operating system but sometimes I'm forced to endure macOS and Windows 11 for gaming with my son or testing software. Overall, I am a big nobody, but always willing to share about Jesus and all that God has done for me and my family.



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