The mumblings of a Christian autistic husband, dad, IT guy and amateur radio operator - Will Brokenbourgh / AF7EC
Hoodwink and Fester
A lesser demon, Fester, recently visited a much more powerful and devious demon, Hoodwink. Let's sneak a listen to their conversation...
Fester: "What's been happening since I last visited?"
Hoodwink: "The boss's plan is coming along. These humans are so easy to deceive that our lies have caught on like wildfire"
Fester: "That's good -- real good!"
Hoodwink: "What made it so much easier is the humans' time period they call the "60's". They gave up so many values the Heaven King trusted to them that they practically invited us into their homes, their schools and even their gathering places! It was like shooting fish in a barrel!"
Fester: "What trick did we pull on them that time so they gave all that up?"
Hoodwink: "We kept whispering in their ears that giving up the Heaven King and his values would give them freedom -- freedom to do whatever they wanted. We kept lying to them, telling them that our way is freedom instead of the Heaven King's way."
Fester snickered slyly: "Real good".
Fester: "So what's the plan now?"
Hoodwink: "We've finally pounded the 'you can be whatever you want' lies into them for so long that they're happily taking it all in, even some of those who say they belong to the Heaven King!"
Fester: "Hee hee, I can't believe how easy it is!"
Hoodwink: "Do you know how we hook them?"
Fester: "Tell me"
Hoodwink: "Each human has an empty spot in their hearts. If we can get to them before they start living for the Heaven King, we lie and tell 'em that sex outside of marriage, booze, drugs, taking up foolish causes and working themselves to death will fill that hole. They just keep trying to stuff whatever we feed them into that hole, but it's never enough. They just keep coming back for more!" Both demons laughed like snakes.
Fester: "What happens if the Heaven King gets to them first?"
Hoodwink: "We kick up the whispers and try to drown out the Heaven King's voice. If that doesn't work, we use fear through their family, friends and enemies. Most humans don't like being cut off from their love-ones so fear works great! Even some of their government and church leaders can't bear up under the mountains of fear we pile on them! Fear makes the humans squirm."
Fester: "Fear sounds like fun. How do you use it?"
Hoodwink: "When humans ignore our lies, we find a family member, a friend, customers or social group to put pressure on them. Most of the time humans will cave and go along with our lies so people won't point at them and make a fuss. Lots of humans have tons of dirty secrets, so shame is another fear trick we use. The more skeletons in their closet, the easier it is to bag 'em!"
Fester: "Bwahahaha! That's great!"
Hoodwink: "These days we've got so many people angry at those Heaven King followers that people are starting to hate them! Those who fall for our lies will always shout 'Hate speech!' or 'Bigot!' to get those Heaven King followers to shut up! There are only a few who will ignore the fear and not cave, but our lie-believers do whatever they can to destroy the Heaven King followers!"
Fester: "Nicccce!"
Hoodwink: "Heaven King will punish us in hell for eternity, but at least we won't be alone! The boss's plan seems to be working!"
Fester: "Yeah, let's hope those clueless humans keep lapping up our filthy lies so they'll get what's coming to 'em!"
Both: "Bwahahahahah!"
The above conversation based v e r y loosely on 'The Screwtape Letters' by C. S. Lewis
Yes, the above conversation was imagined, but the truth about God, the devil and the devil's demons are very much real!
If you want to believe or not is up to you, but I urge you, with love in my heart and great concern for every single person on this planet, to think long and hard, ask God to help you see what's really going on around you, turn your back on the devil's lies and willingly give your heart to Jesus!
I have no hate in my heart for anyone on this earth, though I do hate the sin that some won't let go of. Have you ever personally seen someone get mistreated, hurt or even killed? How did that make you feel? If you have any compassion in your heart, it probably made you very sad, alarmed and maybe even depressed. Now think about the true followers of Jesus Christ who see their unbelieving neighbors, friends, co-workers, family members and more. We do our best not to judge, we pray that unbelievers will come to see the truth about the devil's lies and we celebrate when people turn their back on lies, error and untruths and instead follow the author of life -- Jesus Christ!
As I've said time and time again -- I am no better than anyone else on this earth. I made some pretty bad choices before I really knew Jesus: I treated people badly, stole, got drunk, did drugs, slept around and so much more! I have no room to condemn or judge anyone, but I can still warn and plead with others who are still in a sinful life to give it up, accept Jesus into their lives and hearts and grow their roots deep down inside of him!
Some lies the devil whispers to people
• "God doesn't exist"
• "God doesn't love you"
• "You're not worth anything so just die"
• "You were born with the wrong body"
• "You can't do anything right"
• "It's okay to have sex outside of marriage"
• "It's okay to disrespect your parents / bosses / leaders"
• "There is more than one way to get to Heaven"
Some truths you must always remember
• God is real - Hebrews 11:6
• God is love - 1 John 4:16
• God created you on purpose, you're not a mistake - Psalms 139:14
• You mean something to God - Romans 5:8
• Anything is possible through faith - Philippians 4:13
• Sex outside of marriage is wrong - Hebrews 13:4, 1 Corinthians 6:18
• Marriage is between a biological man and biological woman - Genesis 2:24,
Hebrews 13:4, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:27
• Parents should be respected - Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:1
• Leaders should be respected - Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-17
• Only Jesus Christ is the way to Heaven - John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Romans 10:9
Why do you think I keep posting posts like these? Am I bored? Do I like to spread 'disinformation'? No! It's because I lived a life of sin, destruction and heartbreak before truly knowing Jesus Christ and I reaped a lot of yuck because of it. I don't want anyone else out there to go through what I did before Jesus, and I certainly don't want anyone to suffer eternal punishment!
With sincerity I offer this: You really should want to give your heart, your
life and your all to Jesus Christ. Why? Giving your life, heart and all to Jesus
Christ allows a direct relationship with God! Why just have
knowledge about God when you can actually be in a deep and loving
relationship with him? Even when life is tough, there's nothing better!
God bless you, and thank you for reading!
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