Bye Ars - Time to Move On

I have been an Ars Technica reader since the mid-2000's and always appreciated their technical writings about operating systems, peripherals, science, space exploration and the like. As time went on, Ars started adding more and more 'social justice' articles, which had nothing to do with the technical content I visited Ars for and took away from the overall Ars experience, in my opinion.

Yesterday morning I visited Ars and found Beth Mole had written an article about how an overwhelming majority of transsexual people don't regret undergoing body-mutilating surgery. I was beyond irritated because this topic isn't relevant to computers, technology or space exploration, and instead was incorrectly labeled as a 'health' article. Sorry, but mutilating your body is not 'health', nor is it 'health care'.

God loves geeks too!
Why Jesus?

Disclaimer: I am NOT transphobic nor am I homophobic. I am, however, pro-truth, and the real truth, which is the truth God laid out, shows the error and tragedy of following demonic agendas and living lives dedicated to demonically-inspired movements and beliefs.

To be clear, I am for whatever God likes, and against whatever he is dislikes. Don't like my position? Take it up with almighty God, not me. I'm just trying to please him by doing what he says in the Bible and by not supporting or aligning myself with groups, companies or individuals who willfully go against him and what he stands for. If you disagree, you aren't disagreeing with me, you're disagreeing with our Creator! I am nobody, but he is everything!

The Ars problem in general
While Beth Mole's trans article in Ars Technica was the last straw for me, it certainly wasn't the only instance of the site's 'social justice' postings. I remember that more and more of these tech-irrelevant articles starting popping up in the mid 2010's and it just got worse from then-on. I think Ars also had a change in ownership at least once since I started visiting, and after that the steadfast march to the gutter continued unabated. Sure, Eric Berger, John Siracusa and others like them kept the site afloat with their great content, but many of the others proudly took up the 'social justice' culture banner, became inflamed by it and couldn't be bothered to look up from the pool of drool at their feet. God bless all of them, the whole lot, and I hope that someday they'll have a moment of clarity, experiencing the alarm one feels after realizing they've been riding the wrong train for hundreds of miles. I hope they will eventually come to their senses.

The prominent writer Leo Tolstoy once said:

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it"

Anyway, Ars no longer holds the prized 'top of my bookmarks' position anymore, instead it has been completely forgotten from my browser. Very likely, Ars Technica will not even notice my absence, and those who oppose my beliefs will be glad they don't have to waste any strength in clicking the 'down-vote' button on my comments. It is sad, though, that the majority of visitors and commenters on Ars have been so blinded by the devil, his underlings and the destructive agenda they are pushing. Emoji of sad face

"For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths." - 2 Timothy 3-4

God bless you, and thank you for reading! Emoji of face grinning big

About me
First and foremost I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. After that, I'm a blessed husband, father and grandfather. I do remote computer work for a living although it's mostly part-time. I'm an amateur radio operator - AF7EC. When I'm not working on the endless list of house and car projects, I like to tinker with electronics, like to listen to shortwave radio and write software (mostly open-source) in C, C++, Python and Free Pascal. I usually run Linux as my main operating system but sometimes I'm forced to endure macOS and Windows 11 for gaming with my son or testing software. Overall, I am a big nobody, but always willing to share about Jesus and all that God has done for me and my family.



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